

The English CET-4 (College English Test Band 4) is known for its unique slanted diagonal format. This article aims to explore why it is often said that luck plays a significant role in the CET-4 exam. The article will be divided into several sections, starting with a brief summary of the entire article, followed by a detailed explanation of three aspects that make the CET-4 exam different. Finally, the article will conclude by summarizing the significance of luck in the CET-4 exam.


The CET-4 exam is characterized by its slanted diagonal format, which makes it different from other English exams. In this article, we will explore three aspects that contribute to the perception that luck plays a central role in the CET-4 exam. These aspects include the unpredictable question distribution, the potential impact of reading comprehension passages, and the influence of subjective grading. Overall, luck is a significant factor in determining one's performance in the CET-4 exam.

Unpredictable Question Distribution

The CET-4 exam is notorious for its unpredictable question distribution. Unlike other exams that have a fixed number of questions for each section, the CET-4 exam randomly assigns different numbers of questions to each section. This randomness makes it difficult for test-takers to predict which sections will have more or fewer questions. Consequently, luck plays a crucial role in determining whether a test-taker's strengths align with the sections that receive more questions.

Furthermore, the CET-4 exam often includes a variety of question types, such as multiple-choice, fill in the blanks, and short answer questions. The distribution of these question types can also vary from exam to exam. This variability further increases the element of luck, as test-takers may excel in certain question types but struggle with others due to the unpredictable distribution.

Impact of Reading Comprehension Passages

Another factor that contributes to the perception of luck in the CET-4 exam is the reading comprehension section. This section typically includes several passages, each followed by a set of questions. The difficulty level of these passages can vary significantly, ranging from relatively easy to extremely challenging.

Test-takers who happen to encounter passages that align with their reading abilities will have a higher chance of success. Conversely, those who face passages that are beyond their comprehension level may struggle to answer the associated questions correctly. This element of luck in encountering passages that suit one's abilities further emphasizes the role of luck in the CET-4 exam.

Influence of Subjective Grading

The CET-4 exam includes subjective components, such as writing and speaking sections, which are graded by examiners. The grading process for these sections involves a certain degree of subjectivity, as different examiners may have different interpretations and standards for evaluating responses.


This subjectivity introduces an element of luck, as a test-taker's performance may vary depending on the examiner's preferences and biases. A response that is considered excellent by one examiner may be deemed average by another. This subjectivity in grading highlights the role of luck in determining the final score of the CET-4 exam.


In summary, the CET-4 exam is characterized by its slanted diagonal format, which sets it apart from other English exams. The unpredictable question distribution, the impact of reading comprehension passages, and the influence of subjective grading contribute to the perception that luck plays a central role in the CET-4 exam. Test-takers must rely on luck to encounter sections that align with their strengths, encounter comprehension passages that suit their abilities, and have their subjective responses evaluated favorably. Therefore, it is no wonder that the CET-4 exam is often regarded as relying heavily on luck.
